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Housing Information

On-Campus Housing Reservations

Colorado College is a non-smoking campus. Every room will have bed linens, towels and a bar of soap. The rooms are not air-conditioned.

Please note that there are limited numbers of apartment-style rooms in our block.  Housing  is assigned on a first come, first served basis. To ensure your preference, book early.

apartment bedroomapartment living roomApartments
Single room, 1 twin bed
Two, three or four single rooms share a bathroom, depending on the configuration. Small kitchen and common area. Apartments are same-sex.

Residential Hall
Single room, 1 twin bed; communal same-sex bathrooms down the hall.

There is no cost for parking on campus, however, a permit is required. Please request a parking permit at the housing check-in desk, Loomis Hall.

Housing Check-In
Hours are 7:00am - Midnight at Loomis Hall, 1104 North Cascade, Colorado Springs, CO.

For guests arriving after the desk has been closed: A sign with the number for Campus Safety will be posted. Guests will be referred to the Campus Safety Office, which is in the building across the parking lot from Loomis Hall.

Housing Check-Out
Thursday, June 18 by 10:00am
Failure to return your key will result in a $75/key charge. Unreturned access cards will result in a $15/card charge.

Free wi-fi (CCGuest) is available to all Summer School attendees.

Laundry Facilities
Guests will find laundry facilities in JLK and in the basement of Loomis. Quarters are needed. Washing machines cost $1.25 and dryers cost $1.00. Laundry detergent is available for purchase at housing check-in (Loomis Hall).

Fitness Facilities
Guests may use the El Pomar Sports Center on campus at no extra charge. Hours are 11:00am - 7:00pm Monday through Friday (closed weekends.) There is a pool, which is open daily 12:15pm - 4:00pm; Tuesday and Thursday 7:00am - 8:15am.

Please note the passing of Amendment 64 has legalized marijuana use for persons 21 and over in the state of Colorado. However, the College has a long-standing policy against drug use on campus, and that policy does not change with the adoption of Amendment 64. Colorado College's policy prohibits visitors from using, possessing, or being under the influence of marijuana while on campus. If a guest violates this code, he or she will be asked to leave campus.

Off-Campus Housing

Click here for a list of off-campus lodging options.